A Monkey’s Uncle at the Cleveland Museum?
Image via Wikipedia
Right here in our own backyard, another discovery has potentially turned the proposed thread of human evolution from apes on its head, or at least on its pelvis. It was reported today that Cleveland researcher Yohannes Haile-Selassie has discovered fossils that conclude that modern apes cannot be our ancestors, but rather that we both share a common ancestor further back in time, which they call Ardipithecus ramidus. If this is true, then it’s time to rewrite the science books yet again. Yet in the same article, many other (Darwinist) scientists are calling the bluff, saying that the bones could be interpreted that way, but not necessarily.
Meanwhile, we have the book of Genesis, written 3500 years ago, and we haven’t revised it once. God has given us His own eyewitness account, yet somehow, we consider His inerrant account less valuable than the interpretations of an observer thousands of years after the fact. If the Darwinist scientific community can’t even agree that the evidence is conclusive, why should this shake our faith? The simple answer: it shouldn’t. God has given us His truth, that we did not slowly branch off from another kind of creature (Genesis 1:21,24,25), but that we were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). And because we were created in the image of God, we have infinite value, such great value that God was willing to sacrifice no less than His own Son to pay for our sin.
One day, just as the truth has been revealed to us now in the Bible, the truth will be revealed to all at Jesus’ coming. On that day, what we have known to be truth will be proven once and for all, and the scoffing that will undoubtedly follow in the wake of this will cease. Pray that God reveal His truth in the lives of those who choose man’s wisdom over the wisdom of God.