Outer Beauty, Inner Beauty, and Imputed Beauty
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
While apparently around since April, I just saw the Covergirl ad on TV featuring Ellen DeGeneres. (See below)
We actually backed up the TiVo and rewatched it several times, just to make sure we didn’t misread it. Sure enough, you heard it right. Outer beauty is more important than inner beauty. Somehow, this just doesn’t seem like the message we want to send to our daughters.
That said, as Christians, we know that we’re not all that beautiful on the inside (Mt 15:18-19), being corrupted by sin. But we also know that God loves us, and through Jesus’ merits and sacrifice, we’re beautiful to Him.
How do we take that beauty that He has given to us and make it outer beauty? By giving it to others by sharing the love of Christ in Word and deed (Ro 10:15). In doing so, we point the world to true beauty, the beauty of the Son of God, Who is beautiful because He became ugly for us (Is 52:14-15).