An image from a sermon based on Mark 1:1-8 signifying that preparing for Christmas is done through repentance as John the Baptist called us to do.
Image: Resting in the Resurrection
Image: Luther’s Hammer #Reformation500
Image: Psalm 26 Protest Signs
Image: Examining the Bible
Images: Jesus thinking of the world
Image: The Mind of God
I created this artwork for a sermon on Philippians 2:5-11 exploring the mind of God. It’s based on the idea that Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel depiction of God in “The Creation of Adam” depicts a human brain.
Image: The Name of Forgiveness
For a sermon based on the 1st Petition of the Lord’s Prayer, Hallowed Be Thy Name, from the Prayer is Crucial series, an image of Jesus on the cross with the INRI replaced with YHWY.
Image: Baptism Never Gets Old
Image: Word Became Flesh
I recently wrote an article on the Incarnation and the Real Presence relative to the Passover, and I took some photos that might be useful to those who’d like to tie “The Word became flesh” to “This is My body.”
Find variants with both paten & chalice here.
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