Exegetical Resources

A page of Genesis in Postillae perpetuae… Basel, 1498: the first printed biblical exegesis: space has been left for a hand-lettered red initial (a rubric) that was never added to this copy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Term Papers and Bible Studies in Exegetical TheologyPastor Dale File.PRC: Bible Study notes in Palm Doc format
Pastor Dale File.zip: Bible Study notes in Text format
Bible Study Notes for Online Bible Mac
- Pastor Dale Notes Set (Updated April 22, 2003)
- Luther.sit: Updated July 7, 2003)I have Luther’s works in the AE, the Philidelphia ed., the house postiles in both Klug ed. and a 1870s ed by the Lutheran Book Concern, Also the St. Louis ed auf Deutsch. I also have the AE In libronics fromat which I run on Virtual PC. So some of the AE quotes are ones I have typed in over the years and others are pasted in from the Libronics version. The documentation for each quote is somewhat cryptic for those reasons. It was done for my own use and so I have used a sort of short hand. The quotes from the AE should be no problem. (From Rev. John M. Moe)
Holyweek: from Erich Kiehl: An Outline of Holy Week
Revelation Bible Study: A 38-page group study using Brighton’s commentary as the main source
Revelation Reference Key: A 1-page quick reference to the various images and numbers used in Revelation.
Esther PDF
Hosea Bible Study: A 16-page discussion guide for Hosea, available as a pdf, doc file with answers as hidden text, or both zipped together.
Habakkuk PDF
Zechariah PDF
1-3 John PDF
Jude PDF
Other Sites
olivetree.com/bible/index.html: Many Bible translations, incl. Greek & Hebrew: Search Online
Bible Studies from Scholia.net
Richard Jordan’s Bible Study Notes
http://www.textkit.com (Greek & Latin lexicons online)