Audio Files
Audio Files Included here are various audio files, including sermons, podcasts, discussions, etc. Audio tutorials Podcasts Audio Files Off-Site Links Audio Tutorials Tutorials how to get your sermon, etc. online. What is a Podcast? How to create a podcast (The cheap and easy … Continue reading →
The Family Bible
In a lot of homes, I see a family Bible. In days past, this Bible contained records of marriages, births, and other important dates and events. Maybe yours still does.
But what condition is your family Bible in? Does it still crack a bit when you open it, even though it’s 100 years old? The idea of putting these important dates in the Bible is to keep them at your fingertips, because the Bible is to be the center of the family, but what if the Bible falls into disuse? What happens to the people whose names are written in the front pages of it? read more »
Was God at Virginia Tech?
When tragedies happen like the shooting at Virginia Tech University yesterday, many people often ask, “Where was God? Why did He allow this to happen?”
And ironically, He allowed this tragedy because of His love for us. That doesn’t make sense, does it? Allow me to explain. read more »
Multiples and Theology
Tonight, my wife and I watched In The Womb: Multiples in the National Geographic Channel. Wow. That was so cool. But besides the wonder of human development and modern technology, both medical and computer imagery, I continued to notice a recurring the…
Continue reading →Big Bird and Barney: No Relation
Tonight, I watched a fascinating show on the Discovery Channel: T-Rex: New Science, New Beast. As a dinosaur junkie, I really enjoyed this show, showing how new technology allows us to determine more about these amazing animals, like how fast they coul…
Continue reading →We or You?
Some pastors, when preaching about human sin and God’s salvation, say, “We” and “Us”. “We are sinners.” “Jesus died for us.” Others replace those pronouns with “You.” Why the difference? read more »
Continue reading →Religion Today, Part 3: Evangelical Christianity
Today is the Today I’ve been waiting for, and I have to say that, while I’ll disagree with the way it was handled, I’m impressed and didn’t expect it to be handled as well as it was. Kudos, Today Show. read more »
Continue reading →Religion Today, Part 2: Islam
The differences between Judaism and Islam, to my Christian ears, seem insignificant. In The Today Show‘s episode, “How Muslims view the afterlife,” we learn that you don’t have to be a Muslim to get to a good afterlife, paradise. You just have to be a good person, and God willing, that’ll do it. read more »
Continue reading →Religion Today, Part 1
What happens after you die? How do you get to heaven? Ask Matt Lauer!
The Today Show is currently running a series on religions, including an on-location feature with Matt Lauer in Jerusalem. They started Friday with a discussion on Judaism, and the mo…
Jingoism in the church?
jin’·go n. pl. jin·goes
One who vociferously supports one’s country, especially one who supports a belligerent foreign policy; a chauvinistic patriot.
1. Of or relating to a chauvinistic patriot.
2. Characterized by chauvinistic patriotism. read more »